Physiotherapy Exercises for Healthy Aging

Improve your strength, fitness, mobility, and balance

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We help older adults who feel weak, tired & unsteady become strong & confident again.


As we age it can be easy to become fearful & overwhelmed, where we no longer feel in control of our bodies.  You may be feeling that life is fragile and there's nothing you can do to stop your declining health.  Perhaps you've been told you need to exercise, but you just don't know where to start. 

Stronger At Home is a safe and effective way to get your strength and confidence back.  Through evidence based exercise and education for older adults, you will get stronger and more fit, free from the fear of injury and decline.  Our easy-to-follow exercise videos will bring clarity, so you can take control over your health and wellbeing again.  

We've developed video exercise programs for older adults based on 4 foundational principles

Progress is Possible


Movement is Medicine


Consistency is Key


Health is Wealth


Start your exercise journey with our 8-week STANDING STRONG Fitness Program for Older Adults

Find out more from Jillian, Physiotherapist & Co-creator.

Press the play button to get a glimpse of our program or join us for an 8-week journey to health.

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About the Program:

The STANDING STRONG Fitness Program is an 8-week evidence based video exercise program specifically designed for older adults, including those with Osteoporosis.

This program provides 2 new video exercise sessions per week for 8 weeks, setting out to challenge participants in a variety of ways, targeting strength, fitness, balance, posture, and spinal health.

This program is appropriate for independent older adults (who don't require a walker), including those who have been recently diagnosed with osteopenia or early osteoporosis, post-menopausal women, and those looking to start or return to an exercise routine. There is no age limit!


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Meet Your Instructor

Hi, I'm Jillian Bergman Stow, Physiotherapist. I have a passion for staying fit and healthy, and ultimately helping older adults do the same.  I’ve been a registered Physiotherapist since 2003 and am co-founder of PhysioCare at Home, an in-home physiotherapy company. 

Time and again I have witnessed how movement & exercise can change lives, no matter your age.  But many people don't know what to do or how to begin their exercise journey.  That's exactly why I created Stronger at Home. 

Stronger at Home Fitness Programs are rooted in Osteoporosis & Older Adult Exercise research and provide step by step guidance throughout your exercise journey.

Can't wait for you to join me in the journey!

Older Adults need more Exercise

  • Did you know that by age 40 we naturally start to lose bone AND every decade after 30 we naturally lose 3-5% of our muscle mass?
  • Did you know that fractures (broken bones) from Osteoporosis are more common than heart attacks, strokes & breast cancer combined?
  • Research has shown that older adults need to perform impact & resistance training at least twice a week for their bone health & muscle strength 
  • If you're over 50 years old, research has shown that balance & functional training along with resistance training 3 times per week can help decrease your risk of falls and injury during everyday life
  • When you are consistent with exercise and movement you'll make the most gains in your physical health and fitness
  • Learning how to effectively exercise while protecting your spine is essential if you've been diagnosed with Osteoporosis

Is Stronger At Home right for me?

  • I'm interested in becoming stronger & more fit
  • I live independently in the community
  • I don't rely on a  walker or cane
  • I've been advised & cleared to exercise regularly
  • I'm looking for a safe, guided, evidence-based program
  • I may have been recently diagnosed with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis
Access Your Free Trial Today


about the program!

"After going through the Standing Strong program, I feel stronger and more confident in my ability to do exercises. I haven’t exercise in quite a while so going forward, I will be following the exercises that I learned in the program."
"I enjoyed it and felt stronger after a few weeks of exercise. It was one of the best exercise programs I have taken. The program has made me realize that I can do things to make my body stronger, even though I am getting up in age. I would definitely recommend it to others."
"I feel much better in general. Balance has improved greatly and the squats have done wonders for my knees. This program has given me more confidence in my daily ability. I would recommend this program for all seniors."
"Overall I’m pleased that I did the course and I feel that my endurance and balance has improved. Would be interested in doing another program."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the program. I am stronger. My balance has improved. I am more conscious of moving safely in my day-to-day activities. I have tended to focus on cardio only in the past. This has made me realize how important it is to practice balance and strengthening."